In VOIP every call is given a status. You have definitely come across the basic status such as : ‘Answered’, ‘Busy’


Did you know there are many reasons you receive call status: ‘No Answer’ and ‘Failed’ ??

The International Telecommunication Union has defined the call status further by giving them codes that can help you troubleshoot the issue faster. These amazing codes are called “Call Hang-up Codes”

During your daily operations on the Moitele platform you will encounter these codes. We have different ways for YOU to understand these codes and connect with a customer support team who will identify the issue and find a solution .

Read THIS article on our Knowledgebase to understand what each code stands for. To our amazing clients, our Knowledgebase is up and running and exists to troubleshoot our queries

That’s not all!

To understand how something works is good but to understand WHY something works  is even better!

We have made a video to show you how to react when you encounter these codes.


(Image by Bruno Cantuária via Pexels)