✨ Did you know many websites fail the absolute minimum requirements for availability? Pingdom monitors 35,000 websites and servers worldwide. It considers a 99.9% uptime to be an absolute minimum for important sites.


Pingdom considers a 99.9% uptime to be an absolute minimum for important sites which means a website can be unavailable for a total of 1h, 26 minutes, per month (30 long days), 17 hours and 31 minutes in a year.

As more businesses and contact centers choose SaaS (software as a service) providers for various services, the reliability is increasing towards vendors to maintain and up-keep of the service availability.

Consider it as buying a product and maintenance is part of the package except in our business, maintenance is crucial. 

One minute of downtime or lack of availability of services from service vendors will result in thousands and millions of minutes on the customer’s end. Millions of end customers and thousands of employees are dependent on these services. 

Moitele’s Uptime monitoring  is part of our efforts to limit expensive downtime by enabling IT and operations teams to detect issues before they occur and troubleshoot problems faster. We proactively monitor different systems and mitigate downtime risks before it affects your business.

Moitele currently uses Better uptime and uptime from three different geographical locations across the world. This redundant monitoring helps Moitele customers to work with minimal downtime to enhance productivity and performance.

Watch this video and understand how Moitele monitors uptime. 



Still curious?

Visit our Knowledgebase and read more on Uptime by clicking HERE