Every business constantly strives to understand their sales funnel and need for iteration  according to the target market. New products, services, ideas and branding efforts require the business to evaluate how the sales funnel operates. At the starting stages of any business, finding the sweet spot to convert a potential customer to a paying one can be challenging. The question we are here to ponder today is how can businesses successfully convert a prospect to a paying customer.

How do you lose leads in the sales process? 

Cold leads. Cold leads are extremely common in the sales funnel yet a constant point of frustration among sales professionals. Often cold leads are a result of lack of interest on the prospect’s end, lack of proper information on the product/service and the main reason is often lack of effective follow-up.

A potential prospect to your company is also a potential prospect to many of your competitors. Slow and ineffective follow-up can lead to losing your potential lead to a competitor.


Click vs Call

There are multiple ways to follow-up with your prospects and there is no right or wrong way. A social media ad campaign, sponsored content, email campaigns etc. are excellent for brand awareness but when it comes to following-up a personalized approach goes a long way. When you call the prospect, you add a personal trust and build a rapport for further discussions. It should be noted that strategic thinking is crucial to closing a deal alongside creating value for your potential customer who will pay for your services.


How to establish an intuitive sales funnel?

Let’s take a moment and think about how a buyer’s process works. Before making a purchase and commitment to a product/service, you probably want to know what value you receive. A sales funnel is not a model that can be picked and applied anywhere. A sales funnel is unique to your product/service. Understanding your target prospects and curating a funnel based on their behavior can go a long way. 

When you agree on that phone call with a prospect, listen. What are the needs and challenges of this specific prospect and where do they fit with your offerings? Start qualifying your leads and save time on both ends: buyer and seller. 


Case closed, is it though?

We are almost at the end where we give you a magical solution. Actually, we at Moitele don’t possess magic. What we do possess is tools that can empower your sales process and keep your leads warm and tingly. We keep iterating and challenging our services so we can offer you creative ways to engage and follow-up with your prospects.

We offer voice powered tools that simplify your lead generation process and manage your teams, data analytics and much more. 

Are you curious? Drop us a line below and you can simply say hello if you like. Our team will get back to you and we can discuss your needs further. 


Contact Us 

Why wait? Be adventurous and take the leap with Moitele. Contact us below and we can discuss your B2B lead generation needs and challenges. 

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