Roadmaps are an excellent tool to map out your business goals and strategy for long-term success. This week we will discuss the roadmap for a successful B2B lead generation process using voice processes. There are many mediums and ways to interact with businesses who might be your prospect; social media, paid ad campaigns, word-of-mouth, business expos and email marketing. 

Our focus will be on the following key points that build the roadmap to B2B lead generation:

Roadmap to successful B2B lead generation

  • Attract
  • Interest
  • Engage
  • Action
  • After-Sales



Here is where all your efforts with digital marketing come into play. It is the first course of target marketing and gaining your prospects’ attention. Carefully curated content to market your product/service attracts potential customers. The more targeted your ads are, the less effort would be required to qualify your leads later. 

 B2B lead generation is strategic because business and the decision makers have very little time to ponder on your offerings. Make sure your message is clear and direct when marketing your products/services. 



Keep your prospects interested. A business that doesn’t require your service at the given time may evolve to an interested customer as your service grows and evolves. Creating compelling and consistent content helps keep the interest of your prospects, leads, and existing customers. 

Offer your customers value. What is that one unique selling point that separates you from that of a competitor? Dig into that one point and start engaging with your audience.



This is the part where you may need some power tools in your hand. Start engaging directly with an interested audience. This could be through email marketing, or phone calls.

Train and align your teams to strategically access the market and connect with prospects with home to convert them into a viable lead. This is the crucial point when you can begin nurturing your prospects. 



Think about the few minutes before placing an online order, an in-store purchase. There is that silent flicker of doubt if you should purchase that object or not.

In the action phase you want to negate any doubts on your potential customer’s end and fill in the gaps on the product and its value. Careful strategy and motivation can help your potential consumers take that step towards action.



You have your customer now what? After-sales is a very important part of your roadmap to success. A lot of competitors will aspire to seek out your consumers and failing to provide after-sales care can result in losing customers.

After-sales connection to your customers also helps you understand and navigate through the gaps in your product/services so you can improve it further. Here at Moitele after-sales is very important to us because it helps us meet our client’s needs.


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Why wait? Be adventurous and take the leap with Moitele. Contact us below and we can discuss your B2B lead generation needs and challenges. 

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