Monitoring spam status for the Caller id/DID is crucial in B2B businesses. When a DID number is marked as spam,  prospects may be less willing to answer a phone. The decreased answer rate will hamper customer engagement and significantly impact everyday business operations. 

Moitele is now offering its customers a valuable tool to monitor the spam status of the DID numbers. With this tool, businesses can check the DIDs and take the relevant actions to ensure call connectivity, thus boosting the customer engagement process. 

Introducing Moitele Spam Monitor.

Moitele ensures that every business call made through our service is productive. Hence, Moitele has introduced a monitoring system to check the spam status of the caller id used in making a business call.

The spam status monitor tool provides the following information:

Total Calls: This feature lets the user monitor the total number of calls made.

Last Call: This feature provides information on the last time made using that caller ID.

User Reputation: This feature provides the overall view of the end users actions on this number when they are being called.

User Report: This feature provides the count of users who marked this particular caller id as spam and blocked this caller id.

Can we check the spam status before buying a new DID?

We recommend checking the spam status of the DID before you place an order to buy it from our user portal. From this initial checkup, the customer is assured they do not face any issues with that purchase DID.

What happens when a caller id is marked as spam?

Once a particular DID is marked as spam, it automatically affects the connectivity, results in call failure, and affects the business. We recommend checking and changing your caller ID/DID when you identify the spam mark on your DID.  

You can find this tool in our user portal’s Agents/DIDs section. You can monitor your DID number for any red flags for free.

Are you interested in learning more? Drop us a message, and we will get back to you. 


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