The last couple of months have been a whirlwind of updates and improvements across Moitele platforms. The following updates are live on Moitele apps for your convenience. 


Moitele’s softphone updates:

  • Improved user experience and navigation issues on the softphone widget
  • Implemented IP allow/deny list for the softphone
  • The new feature that indicates the probability of call connectivity using color codes
  • Improved the Softphone UI to fit into the desktop screen size
  • Improved UI of the call bar and call widget for CRM Integrations
  • Implemented database syncing with number look-up server


Customer Portal updates 

  • The improved purchasing process in billing module 
  • Optimized designs across each module
  • Improved the password complexity in the agent module 
  • Enhanced the softphone security with an IP restriction feature that allows/denies the access to the softphone
  • Fixed an issue with API to display numbers from selected countries
  • Improved Campaigns module for XSLS (Excel file) upload
  • Improved the customer portal for mobile view 
  • Optimization of disposition codes management in the Campaigns module
  • Fixed page navigation in the Campaigns module
  • Improved the dropdown option in the Campaigns module to allow users to read campaign data as an Excel sheet.Implemented file sync for call recording files in the campaign section
  • Fixed dashboard graphs to display the data as per the customer’s time zone.


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Why wait? Be adventurous and take the leap with Moitele. Contact us below and we can discuss your B2B lead generation needs and challenges. 

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