During May, the Moitele software development team incorporated improvements to the user interface across our platforms and fixed minor bug issues in the customer portal. 

Moitele Softphone will now offer users a VoIP quality testing tool offering key statistics on voice quality. Users can now check voice quality through interactive charts displaying packet loss, latency, jitter, and MOS score (terms used to monitor VoIP quality). The latest update offers users an enhanced user experience and interface when running a test on the tool. 

Stay tuned to learn more about our upcoming software updates and advances in cloud communication.


Customer portal Updates

  • Users can now run spam checks on phone numbers  
  • Added a new column to look up the spam status of a phone in the Agents and DIDs section
  • Updated the “To”- time to 23:59:59 as default in data filters for easy data access
  • Fixed the data filter timestamps in the following areas of the customer portal:
    • Calls page
    • Country-wise answered calls dashboard graph 
    • Agent-wise answered calls dashboard graph 
    • Source-wise answered calls dashboard graph 
    • Reports section
  • Fixed a listing issue in the DID section that displayed only one DID for users
  • Fixed a bug in the Agent timesheet that did not allow users to select a date and time
  • Fixed a bug in the reports section that prevented selected data from updating


Softphone updates

  • Developed an API to generate a 10-digit session ID for VoIP quality test
  • Improved data consistency and readability in the VoIP test tool
  • Implemented functionality to store test data for easy retrieval and analysis. 
  • Improved UX in VoIP quality checker tool 
  • Utilized Recharts Library to offer a visual data representation for interpretation and analysis.
  • Displayed the test data in an interactive chart format using Apex charts to provide an interactive user experience 

Every week our development teams work hard to improve our services, fix bugs and incorporate new ideas so we can bring you quality lead-generation tools. 

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Why wait? Be adventurous and take the leap with Moitele. Contact us below and we can discuss your B2B lead generation needs and challenges. 

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