Welcome to the last week of July as we finally share our newest update that provides users with an additional layer of security. Users currently are able to login to Moitele using 2FA,  and this additional layer of security will provide IP address based security. 

Before we explain how the new security feature works, we will walk you through some basics.

What is an IP address?

An IP address is a unique identifier that identifies your electronic device over the internet network. In layman’s terms, it is an internet enabled device’s address that allows it to communicate with other devices over the internet. 


Why use IP restriction?

Important data can be protected further by only allowing certain IP’s to access an account. This ensures that no third party can access the data.

Moitele user portal contains account information, phone numbers, usernames & passwords, agent names etc. which are crucial data for a company. 

IP restriction also allows users to manage who has access to the data and also narrow down data leak if/when there is any. 


How to set up IP Restriction on Moitele user accounts?

Admin can restrict access to the user account and the data within one or more IP addresses. When activated, restricted access is provided to business admin, teams accounts, agents from the list of IP’s added. 

The setup is simple and the admin requires the IP address and can add a note. Each address can also be activated/inactivated using a toggle action. 

Watch the video below to learn how to set it up


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