More and more organizations are switching to remote teams to accommodate flexibility, limit infrastructure expenses, and hire diverse members with different skill sets. As more project teams migrate to the digital sphere, the reliance on digital tools has increased.

Team management tools help streamline projects, plan, and track metrics efficiently, and organize and improve team dynamics. A successful team is more than just a good team. Digital tools help a team function effectively.


What are team management tools?

Team management tools help organize documents, monitor project progress, create milestones, run successful projects, and understand assigned tasks to different team members.

Team management tools are synonymous with project management. During their lifetime, a team runs and manages different projects, and these tools help streamline the project management process. The right tools help improve transparency and accessibility of information between a Team and its members. 

Here are a few benefits of team management tools:

  • Remote teams can access files and monitor projects from different locations with flexibility. 
  • Increased transparency between employees and supervisors on assigned tasks
  • Digital means of communication 
  • A streamlined project-tracking process
  • Limits expensive physical infrastructure 


How does VoIP improve team management? 

VoIP is flexible, portable for travel and easy to assimilate with new employees. It requires no physical infrastructure and streamlines communication within an organization.  VoIP offers high speed communication at quality voice over the internet which helps teams mitigate project related issues instantly. 

VoIP helps maintain customer satisfaction and relationships in a sustainable manner. Teams can automate responses and provide round-the-clock support while working remotely. Teams can improve their efficiency with online meetings, measure quality control, and increase accessibility. 


What Team Management tools are offered by Moitele?

Team management tools from Moitele are easy to use, and our clients seldom require minimal training. We introduce new updates monthly, and the tools are available for pairing with different sections of the customer portal. 

The team management portal lets users simultaneously create new teams and team members. Each team member is assigned role-based access, and roles are editable. Role-based access grants users specific rights to different sections of the customer portal with its login portal. 

Users can maintain compliance by assigning blocklists and active destination lists to teams. Users can add Teams to campaigns where team members can make calls and log comments. We recommend our users use Campaigns with Teams for improved productivity. 

We simplify team management tools for contact centers. Agents can learn how to use our tools, and Moitele’s team management module helps improve efficiency and streamline communication. 

Do you want to improve team efficiency? You can register with Moitele at or email us at💙

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