How does Moitele monitor VOIP quality?

✨ Moitele current MOS 4.3 ✨ Moitele aims to offer VOIP as a better alternative to traditional phone service with better accessibility, price and quality. Despite the reliance on email, voice remains the method of choice for businesses. Due to this demand, companies...

How do hang-up codes give insights into call connectivity?

In VOIP every call is given a status. You have definitely come across the basic status such as : ‘Answered’, ‘Busy’ BUT…… Did you know there are many reasons you receive call status: ‘No Answer’ and ‘Failed’...

Moitele’s Solution to Working From Home 😍

You already are aware of how analytics and reports can benefit your business operations and help you make quick calculated decisions! (READ HERE) Did you know that one of Moitele’s key solutions; our analytics and reports can benefit BPO’S, Lead generating...
Why do businesses need Analytics and Reporting?

Why do businesses need Analytics and Reporting?

What are analytics and reporting? Reporting: Reporting is organizing and categorizing collected data . This data can be in the form of graphs and visual cues that offer a deeper insight into the business . Reports take data and turn it into usable materials to improve...