Customers have always been to count on Moitele to create tools that meet both the customer’s and the market’s needs. The customer portal is designed to be as adaptable as the software development team at Moitele. Adaptability in providing solutions for B2B...
Customer retention is the ability of a business to retain customers over a long period through strategic maneuvers such as providing value in customer interactions and loyalty programs. Taking a pause, one would notice that they are naturally part of many loyalty...
The tools within the user portal are built to offer users clarity with data, employees, and the business. Each section within the customer portal is built to complement another section and when used in unison it offers a clean and organized platform to run your...
The customer portal from Moitele is built to be an umbrella for a company’s internal and external operations. From features like data management to contact center solutions, the customer portal forms the living beating heart of your operations that pumps and...
Most users of Moitele and individuals in the VoIP sphere understand the importance of quality when it comes to voice. When making calls over the internet it is extremely important to have a clear voice, with low latency and no jitters or packet loss. Wondering what...