What’s new in Moitele’s customer portal?

What’s new in Moitele’s customer portal?

If you read our April software updates, you would have learned about the new updates and tweaks implemented on Moitele’s customer portal. This week we will give you an immersive view and guide you through the updates in Moitele’s customer portal.  The new updates...
March 2023 Moitele Software Updates

March 2023 Moitele Software Updates

Your Moitele experience has kept on improving during the first quarter of 2023. Our development team has fought some bugs, built new feature modules, and made some improvements to enhance user experience.  Before we dive into the updates, please follow @Moitele to...
What softphones do we offer for B2B lead generation?

What softphones do we offer for B2B lead generation?

We are humbled to say that as of March 2023, Moitele offers its users five softphones. Each softphone accompanies unique features suited for a specific need within B2B lead generation businesses.  This blog post is a guide to all of the Moitele softphone solutions and...